Finding Purpose and Pleasure in Midlife

Something we often don’t talk about when it comes to menopause is purpose and goals. We focus on the negative, on avoiding or mitigating the symptoms and the downsides, but what about the upsides and the positives? I know when you're in the thick of it, it may feel as though there are not a lot of positives, but there are.

In midlife we know ourselves better, we know what we want and who we are, our worth and our value. In the workplace (even if it’s not always recognized) we are more skilled, we have a wealth of experience from which to call. We lead with compassion, understanding and purpose in business. Midlife women are more likely to follow what we are passionate about, what we believe in and start our own businesses more than at other stages of our lives. We perhaps no longer have the daily family commitments that we did in our 30’s and early 40’s and we have more experience, knowledge and connections than we did in our 20’s.

Now is the time to tune into your purpose and goals and run with them, explore and see where they take you. Anything is possible if you dedicate energy to it. 

Why is goal setting important in midlife?

Goals fuel personal growth and fulfilment:

In midlife, setting clear and achievable goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose, motivating us to move forward and achieve our aspirations. Whether it's learning a new skill, starting a business, or pursuing a personal development goal, having something to strive for adds structure and meaning to our lives.

Goals serve as catalysts for personal growth, pushing us out of our comfort zones and encouraging us to learn new things and expand our horizons. They also provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as we work towards their achievement, boosting our self-esteem and confidence (which helps us to find pleasure both in and out of the bedroom).

Purpose ignites passion and meaning:

Beyond specific goals, midlife is an ideal time to cultivate a sense of purpose, a deeper understanding of what brings us meaning and significance. This could be anything from contributing to our communities to pursuing artistic endeavors or making a difference in the world through social activism.

Purpose gives our lives a sense of direction and aligns our actions with our values. It fuels our passion and motivates us to make a positive impact on the world around us. When we feel a sense of purpose, we are more likely to experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Pleasure is a byproduct:

The pursuit of pleasure in midlife often takes on a different form than it did in younger years. Instead of seeking fleeting enjoyment in material possessions or superficial experiences, we begin to crave deeper, more meaningful pleasures.

Goals and purpose act as catalysts for these deeper pleasures. As we achieve our goals and experience a sense of fulfillment, we naturally experience increased levels of happiness and contentment, but we also feel more empowered and confident within ourselves which translates into all aspects of our lives. 

The role of nervous system regulation in finding our purpose

The first step to rediscovering your purpose in midlife is tuning into your body and regulating your nervous system. Nervous system regulation (which is a big part of my coaching toolbox)  plays a crucial role in our ability to connect with our purpose in life, and act on it. 

By building resilience in our nervous system, we expand our capacity to handle whatever life throws our way and are more able to direct passion into purpose. We open ourselves up to greater clarity, creativity, and insight, allowing us to tap into our deeper desires and aspirations. When we are stressed or anxious, our minds become clouded, and it becomes difficult to discern what truly matters to us. However, when we cultivate a sense of balance and well-being, we cultivate the inner space to explore our passions, connect with our values, and move forward with passion.

In addition, nervous system regulation fosters a sense of connection to ourselves and our inner world. By cultivating self-awareness and emotional regulation, we gain a deeper understanding of our motivations, strengths, and limitations. This self-knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions about our life paths, aligning our actions with our goals.

Midlife is a time of transformation and reawakening, a unique opportunity to redefine our priorities and pursue a life that aligns with our deepest values. If you wish to unlock a world of enriching experiences and profound pleasure, book your free discovery call with me today and learn how coaching could help.

Now is the time to rediscover your sense of purpose. So much can change in a year, where will you be at the start of 2025 if you follow your heart now?


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