work with me

Sexual Wellness Coaching 

Envision THIS…

Your eyes flutter open, a gentle start to your day, light patterns forming on the bedroom wall as the sun rises and shimmers through the curtains.

You can take your time, luxuriating in the comfort of your own skin.

The world can wait, this is your time.

This is your time, your daily ritual, reconnecting with your body, your pleasure. 

Old shame and feelings of inadequacies melt away and you are left with a deep connection to self, gratitude and pleasure.

In this simple moment, you feel a new sense of self love exuding from your core, you feel whole, alive, free and confident within yourself.

Bringing together neuroscience and ancient wisdom, my sexual wellness program combines evidence based medicine and embodiment practices to connect you to the pleasure that is your birthright - freeing you from shame and unhealthy cultural narratives.

This is for the woman who wants to feel safe and at home in her body so she can freely enjoy intimacy with herself and another. The woman who wants to reclaim her sensuality, feminine power and wisdom. For the woman who wants to be able to confidently say YES to her deepest desires and own her pleasure in the second half of life.

In midlife it can feel as though our bodies have ‘betrayed’ us. There is no area of our lives that this is more true than in our sexual lives. Perimenopausal and menopause symptoms can make sex emotionally and physically less appealing. This in turn impacts our relationships with those around us and also our relationship with ourselves. It can impact our confidence and make us feel out of touch with ourselves and our desires. This does not have to be your new normal…

Sexuality & Pleasure Coach

Why I’m passionate about your pleasure.

When menopause came along, my libido switched off, my body changed and I lost my confidence as the sensual and sexual woman I once knew. Pleasure for pleasure sake felt frivolous, superficial – it just didn’t matter.  

I felt numb for so many years while going through perimenopause – residing in the in-between place of not knowing who I was or who I was becoming. I was just going through the motions when it came to intimacy. Believe me numbness and intimacy don’t make good bedfellows – it can impact our relationships and frankly as women, we deserve to feel pleasure, we deserve to feel desire and to be desired.

Menopause was an invitation to get to know myself better, peel back the that no longer serves me and understand what lights me up. The journey was not always linear but ultimately this self-exploration expanded into a wild and beautiful intimacy with myself and this has rippled out into my relationships, my work and how I show up in the world.

I want this for YOU! I believe we are all wired for pleasure. As a certified sexual health coach, I offer the guidance to gently find your way back home to your body, experience deep full body pleasure and be able to stay there and have meaningful and lasting change. Your sexual pleasure has no age limit or expiration date! I know this to be true because I’m living it, and you can too.


Sexual Wellness Coaching Packages


Are you feeling stuck and disconnected from your pleasure? Do you feel closed off, numb or frustrated? Do you want to feel more confident in and out of the bedroom? This is an immersive deep dive for creating a deeper connection with your wants and desires and exploring what is holding you back from experiencing full body pleasure.

  • Pleasure immersion is a coaching intensive session which also comes with access to my online course. Learn how to feel more confident inside and outside of the bedroom.

  • • One confidential pleasure assessment questionnaire which allows you to reflect on the narratives and attitudes you’ve internalized around your pleasure and sexuality.

    • One 3-hour bespoke online coaching session where we begin to unpack limiting beliefs around accessing your pleasure.

    • A safe space dedicated to you. A confidential container where you can look inside and work towards what you truly desire and access the pleasure that is your birthright.

    • Exclusive access to my 6-module online course Awakening Pathways to Pleasure

    • Two pleasure check-in coaching calls to discuss your progress

    • My full support as your cheerleader and pleasure guide

    • Connection, compassion and confidentiality

PLEASURE RECLAMATION – 3 month package

You are navigating the hormonal fluctuations of menopause and just not feeling in the mood. Your body is changing, you feel disconnected from your body, your pleasure but you ‘want to want’ intimacy with your partner. You are ready to expand your concept of pleasure and feel more sensually alive and confidant.

  • Pleasure Reclamation is my 3 month 1 to 1 sexual wellness coaching package for midlife women. Expand your pleasure and confidence.

  • • 6 powerful biweekly online coaching sessions

    • A safe space dedicated to you. A confidential container where you can look inside, release limiting beliefs, work towards what you truly desire and access the pleasure that is your birthright.

    • Exclusive access to my 6-module online course Awakening Pathways to Pleasure

    • Full support and guidance to facilitate your progress - I’ll hold your hand every step of the way.

    • I’ll give you tailor-made, specific guidance and practices to awaken your pleasure - that work with your body, your nervous system and your lifestyle.

    • We go at your pace so that you create lasting change, amplify your orgasms and create transformation that sticks.

PLEASURE UPGRADE – 6 month package + access to my online course

Are you feeling shut down, self-conscious and struggling with confidence when it comes to your sexual pleasure? You are non-orgasmic and feel you are just going through the motions when it comes to intimacy with your partner. Are you ready to upgrade your pleasure and sexual fulfillment while communicating what you want in a way that feels authentic to you?

  • My 6 month 1 to 1 sexual wellness coaching package for midlife women who want to implement real, lasting change.

  • 12 powerful biweekly online coaching sessions

    A safe space dedicated to you. A confidential container where you can look inside, release limiting beliefs, work towards what you truly desire and access the pleasure that is your birthright.

    Exclusive access to my 6-module online course Awakening Pathways to Pleasure

    Full support and guidance to facilitate your progress - I’ll hold your hand every step of the way.

    Access to me via WhatsApp throughout the whole 6 months

    I’ll give you tailor-made, specific guidance and practices to awaken your pleasure - that work with your body, your nervous system and your lifestyle.

    We go at your pace so that you create lasting change, amplify your orgasms and create transformation that sticks.


Once you have completed one of my packages, I can offer ongoing support with a additional 60 min follow up sessions or personalized package tailored to your needs and goals.

Please note, all packages need to be paid for at the time of booking. I have a 24 hour cancellation policy, with the full cost of your appointment payable if required notice isn’t provided.

7 day journal

Get your FREE pleasure body journal now.

Level up your confidence both in and out of the bedroom with this FREE 7 day pleasure body journal. This is about how you feel, understanding and connecting with your body. It’s time to awaken your sensuality & pleasure in a nurturing and accessible way.